Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Letter for Study

Over the next few days, I suspect a number of people will comment on the letter reportedly written by Zawahiri (Bin Ladin's #2). My only request it that you actually read it. It describes the intention and conflict perception of the modern Islami-fascist movement (Salafism, Wahhabism).

Islam, by the way, is just the vehicle for a political goal. Guess what, religion and politics are not the same thing. They may influence each other, but neither can dominate or dictate to the other. I strongly urge everyone to actually read all thirteen pages in order to better understand the forces opposing us. Understand their goals and the world they hope to create.

The letter is available HERE.

1 comment:

El Sig said...

You realize of course, that the real enemy is not in Iraq. The real enemy of freedom is the liberal left who preach love and forgiveness and open-mindedness. Unless your ideas conflict with theirs. In which case even listening to you is anathema. They will slander you, hate you and above all dispute your right to speech. Interesting huh?

BTW nice blog. Keep it up.