Monday, December 26, 2005

Count Your Blessings

It's the time of year for merriment and good cheer. Before celebrating the new year, I would like to call attention to four specific instances which should remind each of us of our good fortune.

1. The tsunami region - one year ago, people's entire existence was washed away. The scale of destruction was unparalleled. While many have since forgotten about this region, the work to rebuild is far from complete.

2. Pakistan - the earthquake in northern Pakistan killed thousands and the winter will likely kill thousands more. The international response to this tragedy was shameful.

3. Iraq - Think about this: in America, would you worry about your safety if a police officer stopped you? Would you fear for your life because you were unsure as to the intentions of the officer? Living without the rule of law eventually devolves a society into anarchy because the foremost matter is survival.

4. Darfur - I have followed events surrounding Darfur for almost two years now. Without going into to much detail (it is indeed a long story), just realize this: The United States Congress UNANIMOUSLY defined the violence in Darfur as GENOCIDE. That occurred on July 23, 2004. The African Union has led efforts to control the situation and has been almost entirely ineffective.

Be sure to contact your congressman on these (and any other) important issues. The number below is the congressional switchboard. They can connect callers by zip code for their representative and by state for senators.

Congress - 202-225-3121

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