Monday, January 09, 2006

Alito, Pt. IX: One of Nine

Democrats keep hammering that Judge Alito is supposed to replace Sandra Day O'Connor. "He is taking her vote and she is the fifth vote!" any Democrat, but let's say it was Diane Feinstein (D-CA). Actually, he's taking her seat among eight other brilliant legal minds, all entrusted to safeguard one of the greatest texts ever written. He is not the fifth vote. He is just one of nine votes. His vote will be worth no more than any other Justice of the Supreme Court. He is more than qualified as a jurist; his legal comprehension is tiptop. He will be more than able to protect the Constitution and serve all citizens justly. But you may believe Judge Alito is an evil genius sent by wicked Republicans to steal your rights. Isn't that right, Air America?

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