Thursday, January 26, 2006

A Cornhusker, A Rebel & A Byrd

Chuck Hagel (R-NE) isn't the only Senator from Nebraska making a run for the White House. Ben Nelson (D-NE) began his national campaign by announcing support for Judge Alito's confirmation in the face of overwhelming liberal opposition. The radical left has scared Democrats, forcing (so far) 26 Senators to declare their opposition to a more than capable judge. Sen. Nelson and Sen. Johnson (D-SD) are the only Democrats to announce support for Judge Alito and it isn't coincidental they hail from red states.

For Sen. Nelson, this marks the beginning of his 'national name recognition' phase. Though being the lone Dem to support Judge Alito would have created a greater buzz, Sen. Johnson has provided some political cover. Besides, the Cornhusker is a serious candidate for 08' and he will naturally garner the preoccupation of the media.

Update: Sen. Robert Byrd (WV-D) has joined Sen. Nelson and Sen. Johnson in supporting Judge Alito. Sen. Byrd is not walking the same political high wire as his colleagues; his next election may be a legitimate challenge, but he is 89 years old and has been in the Senate since 1958. I rarely agree with the Senator from West Virginia, but his personal fortitude on this issue deserves applause.

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