Thursday, February 23, 2006

Backed Up Ports

A touch of the FIDS (Fraternal Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) has put me behind the eight ball. A Rapid Fire session is necessary but that will wait for now.

A quick word on port security: At first, I reacted to selling port operations as tantamount to selling border posts. But the importation of goods is distinguishable; it involves a port of origin, a national flag above the ship while at sea, a 'regulated' unloading crew in the States (I hesitate to say regulated, northeast New Jersey residents can testify to rampant organized crime at sea ports), and US government security services & oversight. Each distinction creates responsibility for involved individuals and their sponsoring government should the unspeakable happen, again.

This hot-button reeks of racism. Patronizing politicians are peddling passions and prejudices.

UPDATE: New Jersey's Democratic governor, Jon Corzine, is suing to block the deal. The puppet's strings are being pulled...

Comment Response: The first comment is 100% correct. Knee jerk reactionaries are pushing this issue with superfluity and it will eventually be an embarrassment to them.


Mark K. Sprengel said...

It does seem that many are reacting in knee jerk fashion.

BohemianBlogger said...

I am all for kneejerking.