Friday, February 02, 2007

Is Iran In Iraq?

How can this be considered a debate? Two Octobers ago, I posted Tit-for-Tat because the British government repeatedly reported Iranian Revolutionary Guard elements in the Shi'a south were providing advanced armor-piercing explosive devices which were used to kill British soldiers. And now, American congressmen (read: Democrats) are surprised this trend may (sic) have spread in conjunction with our troubles in Baghdad...

Any congressman who hasn't seen any evidence of Iranian meddling has been hiding under a rock. An attentive citizen has no doubt that Iran is actively promoting its agenda in Iraq. Then again, this falls under the same theme as two days ago: CNN's Cafferty File reported that Blackwater is a 'secret army' and asked "What does it mean that President Bush is using taxpayer money to fund a private army in Iraq without the knowledge of the American people?". It's only a secret to those not paying attention, Mr. Cafferty. Try watching PBS's Private Warriors from 2005.

Shocked, shocked I say...

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