Sunday, July 20, 2008

Two Bits Of Baloney

  • Maliki's Timeline: Dems (and the press) are regurgitating the recent statement without any context. It's clearly meant for domestic consumption, as Maliki positions himself for Iraqi elections later this year. According to left-wing chatter, his statement is hard and fast but virtually every position Obama held during the primary is subject to refinement. Aside: notice how Obama couches every statement in maybes, mights, possibles, perhaps, and I think.
  • Obama's "Small Donor" Defense: After brushing aside something he supposedly believes in (public financing), Obama continually trots out populist justifications, talking about the measly average donation they receive (under $200 is their preferred metric). In 2004, Bush averaged $116 from 1.3 million donors but no media outlets assumed that was a populist venture (read: double standard). More than half of Obama's money comes from trial lawyers, lobbyists, big labor, real estate moguls, and other special interests.

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