Saturday, May 07, 2011

UPDATE: Twenty One Names For 2012

Updated, but those who drop out will be left where they were at that time.
  1. John Thune
  2. Jon Huntsman
  3. David Petraeus (probably not running)
  4. Tim Pawlenty
  5. Paul Ryan
  6. Rick Perry
  7. Bobby Jindal
  8. Mike Pence
  9. Haley Barbour
  10. Jim DeMint
  11. Mitch Daniels
  12. Judd Gregg
  13. Mitt Romney
  14. Mike Huckabee
  15. Newt Gingrich
  16. Ron Paul
  17. Jeb Bush
  18. Herman Cain
  19. Rick Santorum
  20. Sarah Palin
  21. Michele Bachmann

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