Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Electoral Fraud?

Despite some media outlets portraying recent Iraq events negatively (CNN's segment headline while discussing our topic - 'Civil War in Iraq?'), I see the public political expressions as a positive. Street protests are good, shooting opposition is bad. Claims of fraud are just claims. A United Nations official expressed the agency's view; there is no reason for another vote, the last one was fair. I will refer readers to the 10/18/2005 post, Claims, Claims, Claims; it is as pertinent concerning this election. Remember, democracy is a fluid process and observers must recognize the symbols of progress. I think Daniel Webster best explained the passion displayed during difficult political circumstances like those in Iraq.

"In a highly excited time it is far easier to fan and feed the flames of discord, than to subdue them; and he who counsels moderation is in danger of being regarded as failing in his duty to his party."

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