Thursday, December 29, 2005

Posits on Poland

It is remarkable; the Polish comprehend the magnitude of the Iraq War better than many Americans. This despite our substantially more extensive involvement in the situation. The Poles have agreed to maintain their troop deployment for another yet despite intense domestic opposition. Cynics say they are positioning themselves geopolitically, with international prestige as their reward for commanding the Multinational Divison in Center-South Iraq.
I disagree.

Let's remember our history. The Poles have endured foreign domination throughout their history.
For any national profile, visit the Federal Research Division and click Country Studies. Here is Poland's profile.

Let's limit our framework to the last 67 years. It contains the invasion (and occupation) by Nazi Germany and Soviet supremacy with the erection of the Iron Curtain. From 1939-1989 (or slightly thereafter) the Poles suffered unspeakable oppression. Oppression must be defined in order to convey the reality it represents.

Oppression (Noun)
1. The act of subjugating by cruelty
2. Kept down by unjust use of force or authority
3. A feeling of being oppressed

It is through this window which I watch the Polish political establishment display their comprehension of freedom, independence, & liberty. They understand the importance of securing a democratic government and providing it with stabilizing resources. They have lived through variations of those seemingly abstract concepts and remain committed to freedom of man over power of state.

If only the Democrats were as steadfast as the Poles...

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