Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Alito, Pt. X - One Man, One Vote

I spoke with an intelligent liberal today... there's no punch line; there are a few. He somewhat caught me off guard by claiming Judge Alito did not believe in 'one man, one vote'. I had not heard this accusation before (liberal talking points are in bold text), so I decided to check the hearings to see what Mr. Alito had to say on the issue while under oath. I think gerrymandering is a threat to the integrity of our representation. His legal opinion is apropos.

"On the issue of reapportionment; as I sit here today in 2006, and I think that's what's most relevant, I think that the principle of 'one person, one vote' is a fundamental part of our constitutional law... I don't see any reason why it should be reexamined and I don't know that anybody is asking for that to be done. Every legislative district in the country and every congressional district in the country has been reapportionment, has been redistricted, numerous times in reliance on the principle of 'one person, one vote' and the old ways of organizing state legislatures have long been forgotten. So, I think that's very well settled now in the constitutional law of our country," Judge Samuel Alito responding to Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI).

Glad we've got that cleared up (though, he could be lying...)

Available at C-Span.org, Samuel Alito Supreme Court Justice Confirmation Hearings - Day 2, Afternoon Session @ 28:19.

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