Tuesday, January 10, 2006

19 Democrat Flip-Flops?

The following is a list of current Senate Democrats who unanimously consented to Judge Alito's confirmation in April of 1990. I understand the substantial difference between a circuit judge and a Supreme Court Justice, but the list is noteworthy nonetheless. Senators are listed in alphabetical order according to state.

  1. Christopher Dodd - CT
  2. Joseph Lieberman - CT
  3. Joseph Biden - DE
  4. Daniel Inouye - HI
  5. Tom Harkin - IA
  6. Paul Sarbanes - MD
  7. Barbara Mikulski - MD
  8. Edward Kennedy - MA
  9. John Kerry - MA
  10. Carl Levin - MI
  11. Max Baucus - MT
  12. Harry Reid - NV
  13. Frank Lautenberg - NJ
  14. Jeff Bingaman - NM
  15. Kent Conrad - ND
  16. Patrick Leahy - VT
  17. Robert Byrd -WV
  18. Jay Rockefeller -WV
  19. Herbert Kohl - WI

Source: ConfirmThem.com

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