Saturday, June 17, 2006

A New Direction

The Democrats have a new 06' slogan: A New Direction for America

"All in all, do you think things in the nation are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel that things are off on the wrong track?"

Over the past two years, "Right Direction" percentages have steadily fallen and are currently hovering around 25%. "Wrong Track" respondents have risen over the same period, topping out at 2/3 in a April 21-24 poll.

Democrats are relying on a 'grass is greener on the other side' strategy instead of developing policy. During House debate on the war in Iraq, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, "'Stay the course' is not a strategy, it's a slogan." She then called for a new direction and labeled the Iraq war "a grotesque mistake."

"It's time to face the facts," Mrs. Pelosi said. She then forgot to offer a new direction.

A real change in direction would be a public movement for a legitimate third party or a unified presidential ticket. I mentioned my affinity for such a ticket last November and there is an organizational effort by

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