Friday, October 13, 2006

Rush Limbaugh Attacks!

"Social moderates who are fiscal conservatives, 9 out of ten, are pro-lifers." (read: not true believers) Rush Limbaugh, 10/13/2006.

Mr. Limbaugh then continued to belittle and dismiss this third of America (one-third right, one-third left, one-third middle), as fence-sitters who spew "gobbledygook." This is precisely the wrong attitude for Republicans. What happened to the big tent?

The middle portion of America is, as Karl Rove described, basically center-right (supporting low taxes, strong security, and unobtrusive government) which gives the GOP a natural electoral advantage. After persuading this center block in the mid 90's, Republicans turned to social issues, energizing their base and creating a majority. Since attaining power, administrative mishandlings and internal bickering has turned a once high-minded party into a bumbling behemoth.

Failure to control government spending and war weariness have cut two of the GOP's advantages while transpiring events, like those involving Terri Schiavo, have stained the GOP as meddler in private affairs.

A mid-term GOP loss may be the best medicine for 2008. It may also push President Bush to implement the 'Secretary of Defense' strategy with John McCain, enabling positive outcomes for two defining elements of his legacy.

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