Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Commentary Conclusion Confirmed?

I posted this line two days ago: "I think Obama v. McCain in 2008 would end up looking like 1996."

Today, I read Bob Novak's column in which he explains ''McCain, Inc. -- that is, party regulars, corporate officials and Washington lawyers and lobbyists moving toward McCain." He goes on, "I first appreciated this in 1996, when Robert J. Dole's candidacy was dying after he barely won in Iowa and lost New Hampshire, Arizona and Delaware. He then won eight of eight primaries on a single Tuesday. When I asked a Dole adviser how this happened, he said it was ''Dole, Inc.'' repelling outsiders seeking the nomination."

The similarities continue: both men are war heroes, elder statesmen, widely liked and respected across the political spectrum. Unfortunately for Mr. McCain, these qualities do not automatically translate into votes during a presidential general election. If Democrats offer a youthful, vibrant, energetic candidate, like Barack Obama, then Mr. McCain may suffer the same fate as Mr. Dole.

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