Saturday, December 16, 2006

2008 Presidential Race

Updated Rankings

Sen. Evan Bayh (IN) said today, "This path - and these long odds - would have required me to be essentially absent from the Senate for the next year instead of working to help the people of my state and the nation." And with that, he's out of the race.

This is why Anybody Inc. has to stop. A politician who would've enriched the national debate is eliminated a year before the voting starts because there's only so much money to go around. Sooner (I hope) or later, Americans are going to demand we spend whatever is necessary to remove campaign contribution cronyism. Public financing of our democracy is gaining steam in the world's wealthiest nation.

Politically, Sen. John McCain (AZ) and Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) have their name on a flawed piece of legislation but more importantly, it was as bipartisan and genuine an effort as politics allows (no accounting legislation is perfect, corporations profit from finding the loop-holes).

The last presidential election cost $699,832,226 with the Republican and Democrat parties accounting for 99.17% of the spending; 2008 will likely top a Billion dollars. Forget about a third party; we need a united government, if only for the next four years.

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