Friday, December 08, 2006

Where Was The Silly String...

In December of 2004, controversy was created when the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, answered a question about the state of military equipment, saying, "You have to go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you want." He was widely condemned for his frank response.

Two days ago, I read about the use of Silly String by troops in Iraq to detect trip wires. Using the logic of Mr. Rumsfeld's critics, I'm compelled to ask why our armed forces weren't (and aren't) given Silly String as standard issue? Shouldn't he have known the value of such an asset?


Anonymous said...

Just wondering how 'right wing Zealot' is doin....Uncle Larry.

Anonymous said...

Enjoying your quick-witted thinking. Great point on the silly string. How sad I was to see Rumsfeld leave and now we will get a wuss who has already apparently blundered by publically acknowleging Israel has nukes. I hope Bush keeps Gates on a short leash.