Monday, April 09, 2007

Republican Branding Problem

Kate O'Beirne was right on the money on Meet The Press.

In 2000, the GOP nominated a tax-cutting 'compassionate conservative' (read: red ink). Shrinking welfare reliance and government influence through proven policies will be a primary fountainhead, especially among fiscal conservatives. I know of two candidates, Giuliani and the other Thompson (Tommy), who have demonstrable records on this issue.

As for Mitt Romney, I am dismissing him from serious consideration despite his $23 Million raised in the first quarter. He seems to be a bad version of John Kerry in 2004, pandering his way about the campaign trail. His opponents will contrast his current positions against those from 1994, when he tried to unseat an iconic liberal senator from Massachusetts with pretty good name recognition. He may run a phenomenal campaign and earn a VP selection - his deep pockets mean he's in for the long haul. Alas, a presidential facade is not enough to garner the one slot.

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