Thursday, May 17, 2007

We The People (Iowa) & Elucidation

John Edwards is running an Iowa-adjusted repeat...

Here's the the ad with my inserts: President Bush isn't listening to Iowans (or the Ron Paul-styled appeasers in Washington - #45). He vetoed Congress's (the Democrats') plan to end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home (at a politically, not militarily, calculated date). We, the people (watch for the man with the yellow hat), want Congress to stand firm (committed to defeat). Don't back down. Send him the same bill that you sent him before (it required more than $20 Billion in domestic pork for the House to pass said bill, 218 to 212). Iowans support our troops (that's appearance number two for the caricatured Iowa farmer) and we have a responsibility to bring them home (retreat) because stopping a President who believes he can do no wrong (can you hear the left hissing?), takes people with courage to do what's right (even if it means using the same person three times in a thirty-second commercial portraying populist sentiment!).

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