Sunday, January 08, 2006

Alito, Part V: A Complete Response

This post is a response to a reader comment on 'Alito, Part V: A Deceptive Liar?'

Kudos to an enlightened reader! I suggest others take a peek at this article. It comments on the CAP strategy: the Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP) wrote an article which stated, "The facts show that, for whatever reasons, whites today are more intelligent than blacks." This article was published in 1982 when Judge Alito was Assistant to the U.S. solicitor general, working out of the Justice Department. Some believe Democrats will use this piece to paint Judge Alito as a racist and his membership, more generally, to paint him as sexist and an extremist.

Addressing the racist part, I will share the front page (above the fold) of yesterday's Star-Ledger:

Percent proficient in fourth-grade math tests.
Blue - Asians, White - Whites, Brown - Hispanics, Yellow - Blacks

Before I am raked over the coals by character assassins, I want to use the logic of the CAP strategy. Tests show that, for whatever reasons, Asians today are more intelligent than whites. The Star-Ledger and it's entire staff, including those who worked there in the past, are all racists. (This is so ridiculous...)

Furthering the discussion, the author of the linked article above believes Democrats may be 'Borking' (turning the base against) Judge Alito. "Boundaries of Privacy in American Society" (I may be misinterpreting it) appears to be a college project which 'outs' Judge Alito as a progressive in conservative clothing. The group of 17 undergraduates recommended the decriminalization of sodomy, accused the CIA & FBI of invading the privacy of citizens, and said discrimination against gays in hiring ''should be forbidden." This should assuage the left (privately, at least) and I sincerely doubt it will enrage the right.

I agree the left is clutching at straws. They are launching increasingly shrill attacks. Tomorrow starts the confirmation hearings and the Dems are desperate.

Source: NJ Star-Ledger (1/7/2006),

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