Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Gay "Marriage" Ban

I am a Catholic. To me, "Marriage" is a Holy Sacrament fulfilled by man and woman. Their coming together creates life.

Family units are important and they are fostered by love. Homo, hetero, or tri-sexual; every person deserves equal protection under, and access to, the law. If two consenting adults want to sign a legal agreement giving them rights & protections equivalent to those granted through marriage, than so be it. But aren't I entitled to equal protection as well? I chose the quotes below because they are the simplest conveyance of marriages' meaning to Catholics. Government defining "Marriage" as something else is an affront.

Call the legal protection whatever you want.
Just don't call it "Marriage".

The most important thing about Catholic marriage, the thing that sets it apart from all other relationships, from civil marriage, from Jewish and Islamic marriages, is that Catholic marriages are sacramental.
I think most Catholics think Sacraments are... special times in life. Baptism soon after you're born, First Confession, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, your wedding and the last rites when you're dying.
A "Sacrament"... infuses the soul with God's Grace.
When we say that we take our spouse, "in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, till death do us part", God is giving us the promise of His guaranteed assistance to cope with the sickness as easily as with the health, with the bad times as easily as with the good.

The previous excerpts were taken from (Paul McLachlan © 1997)

Comment Response: I've put my personal commentary at the top of the post because our reviewer clearly missed my point entirely. "The (fact) is that gay marriages do not affect anyone except those who are getting married" is incorrect. For EVERY action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Try explaining the subtlies to a child and I think you'll realize there is a difference. With that said, I reiterate that every person deserves equal protection under, and access to, the law.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah there is a good christian attitude. Too bad it's purely based on religious mythology. Marriage between gay's is no diferent than between heteros. If marriage was so "sacramental" why is there divorce and annulments to begin with? The faqct is that gay marriages do not affect anyone except those who are getting married. Religion complicates our lives with these kinds of thinikng. Your view is intoon only with the religious right. It is hipocritical when we read about people who have been married for some time, with kids, and yet able to get annulments. Marriage is not the perview of religion. Mariage is in the realm oh humanity. Religious orders have continually attempted to kidnap marriage as theirs. In fact marriaages were around long before religion was around. Dont forget that back when religious kidnaped marriage most marriages were for alligiances rather than love. Dont think god meant it to be fore that do you?