Sunday, July 16, 2006

Putin Picks His Side?

"However complicated the questions are, maximum efforts must be applied to resolve the situation in a peaceful way and I think all efforts have not been exhausted," Mr. Putin said. "However, it is our impression that aside from seeking to return the abducted soldiers, Israel is pursuing wider goals."

Israel has offered peace, time and time again. Middle-Eastern dictators have no desire for peace; Israel is their #1 scapegoat.

Russia has (again) sided with the autocrats seeking the destruction of Israel and, I believe, it demonstrates the ruling government's penchant for totality. Russia has again split with the world's liberal capitalist democracies (or popular media's label, 'the West,' as if Japan is 'western').

If the situation devolves into a full-scale, State vs. State, war then sides may have to be explicitly stated. From previous impressions, I'd think that would further deteriorate relations.

Update: Russia has since softened its tone through their foreign minister (Sergei Lavrov). That didn't take long...

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