Sheik Nasrallah used the term 'Zionist lies' (a common occurrence when following the Mid-East) and so I web-searched it. The first page deliver via Yahoo! is from Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Sindi and it's entitled The "Holocaust" is a Typical Zionist Myth. Feel free to indulge yourself, but allow me an observation:
All Arabs and all Muslims (along with many other people around the world) know very well that the Jewish/Zionist state of Israel is an illegitimate and illegal state established by the power of the gun in 1948 and has been maintained by it ever since. - Section 2, First Paragraph
This morning, Hezbollah fired more than 20 rockets into Haifa. Wikipedia describes Israel's third-largest city as "a mosaic of peaceful coexistence between Jews, Muslim and Christian Arabs, Ahmadis (in Kababir), Druze (in Daliyat al-Carmel), Bahá'ís, and others."
The Zionist regime has been imposed by way of conspiracy in order to pose a permanent threat, aggression and cruelty. It is impossible for the regime to survive without oppression and conflict.
Slogans on peace, democracy and human rights are lies.
The last two quotes are from our reasonable friend, Mr. Ahmadinejad (jape). Israel has given land, treasure, released thousands in exchange for a few, and consistently called for peace. On the other hand, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is just one of many belligerents who've used Israel's existence as an excuse to obtain power and enrich themselves (though in his particular case, the real power resides elsewhere).
Who exactly is living by the gun to sustain to their grasp on power? Is it the democrats or the dictators?
Update 7/18: CNN reports a swelling of support for Shi'a Sheik Hassan Nasrallah in Syria. Posters with depictions of Nasrallah and Assad, shown side by side, are being handed out in the streets for free.

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