While reading an article yesterday, I came across something fascinating:
Foreign policy still opens up visible fissures, as it did four years ago, when the Democrats stood divided between doves and those like Senator Joseph Lieberman, who believed, as President Bush did, that the world is a dangerous place best policed by a steely American imperium. - Michael Powell, "Democrats in Sync, Mostly" 1/6/2008.
It's an assertion that fundamentally paints anyone who views the world as a dangerous place as a stooge of Emperor Bush (
jape, though Hugo Chavez might agree). It further asserts that America's pursuit of a more peaceful world- through multilateral strategic alliances and global military partnerships- is merely unyielding imperial coercion. The shot at Joe Lieberman is particularly acute because he's been an outspoken hawk (
and bete noire to doves). Let's see another opinion...
We face a global terrorist movement of many groups, funded from different sources with separate agendas, but all committed to assaulting the United States and free and open societies around the globe.
Victory in the war on terror requires a combination of American determination and international cooperation on all fronts. It requires the ability and willingness to direct immediate, effective military action when the capture or destruction of terrorist groups and their leaders is possible.
Defending America against attack at all costs. First, the world should be on notice that we will take every possible measure to defend ourselves against the possibility of attack by unconventional arms. If such an attack appears imminent, we will do everything necessary to stop it. If such a strike does occur, we will respond with overwhelming and devastating force. - 2004 Democrat Party Platform
For another opinion, see
Dean, Kerry, And Forgotten Beliefs.
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